Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Next New

          I think a cool idea for the next new media is a device that allows us to enter into a virtual world that is exactly like the real world.  The device would look like a helmet and it will be plugged into a computer so that it is able to connect the user with the internet.  After wearing the helmet the user should be able to move his virtual self with just his thoughts and it will simulate all five senses.  This can be used for gaming and also a way for people who aren’t physically capable of doing what they wish to do to be able to accomplish they wishes.  I think it can serve as great entertainment and also very good for testing new ideas before testing on human subjects.

Wiki So Far

          I have not contributed to our class wiki, but I would like to write about a topic that interests me: technological singularity and the relevance of conscious artificial intelligence. My goal is to provide the historical context behind this theory, who formed this theory, how it applies to society and why we should care. As our technology improves, we will invent things of the unimaginable, things we thought that would only exist in our imagination.


      File sharing allows digital media (programs, software, movies, music, photos, games, etc.) to be transferred from one computer over another through a network or the internet. Although file-sharing may not be illegal, the content users tend to share can be illegal and questionable. What had seemed to be a convenient way in transferring files have created loopholes that allows users to share copyrighted content, but at a cost. The infamous file sharing website Megaupload was shut down by the government because it was profiting from offering file transferring service of illegal pirated digital media.

         A peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing is a network in which computer systems are connected to each other via the internet. Any type of file can be shared between these computer systems. Think of the P2P network as your home network connected through a modem and a router. Any user or device in that network can share files to any connected system. Each system can be a file server and a client. In other words, every system share the same responsibilities when data is processed. P2P file sharing is limited to what files users allow to share. P2P file sharing has led to the inevitable illegal software and music piracy. Piracy has caused the music, software and gaming industries to lose billions of downloads due to illegal distributed copyright content.

        An example of P2P file sharing network is BitTorrent. BitTorrent is a program that allows many users to connect and download a file. According to Brian Stelter in a New York Times article, "people have swapped illegal copies of songs, television shows and movies on the Internet for years...peer-to-peer technology called BitTorrent, required patience and a modicum of sophistication by users". BitTorrent programs or client allows users to download through their protocol. The protocol enables and distributes the file across users that have downloaded or are in the process of downloading the file. The file breaks up into many small parts and unique part to this is that you do not need to full file in order to start sharing. Once you have the small part, you share it to others in the peer network. Tee torrent file is somewhat different in that it does not contain the file. Instead it contains directions to where you can find peers and seeders. BitTorrent has caused many profit losses and although there are actions being taken to mitigate illegal activity, there are far too many loopholes to take preventative measures. 

         Privacy and Confidentiality may be one of the most important aspects of safety when it comes to using New Media. Privacy and confidentiality IS the most important aspect of safety when it comes to using New Media! New Media is all around us, non-stop, 24 hours a day, constantly running and never powering down. It is a network that is spread all across the globe and everyone is able to see  what is going on, what is trending and what is making news. Recently, with New Media there has been a number of breaches such as in Target, University of Maryland and even Turbo Tax. All of these instances, gave access to personal information from millions of people. This information was stolen from a credit card or identification card which hides your identity, and other personal information. Online however, such as a social networking website, your personal information is put on display to the extent you make is ready and available to others. Many fear for internet security and this is just one of the concerns of an ever changing technological world. Privacy and confidentiality in terms of New Media, is very important and in some cases can ruin the lives of an individual. What you make private on the internet, is made private for a reason. However with many advancements, change in privacy rules on social networking sites, or even network servers, not everything meant to be private, stays private. Additionally, information that is posted online or sent into a network even if privatized, has the potential to been seen my many, even everyone with a few clicks of a button. 

            Another privacy concern when using social media is that businesses that are transparent are more prone to sophisticated social engineered hacks. An employer or employee may post something on social media but little did they know hackers can use that information to their advantage. Any type of information can provide these hackers with leads. Huge data breaches would be costly for companies to take preventative measures. Furthermore, Cyber-bullying has become an issue affecting teenagers worldwide. Although the government and many organizations are running awareness campaigns, they are not effective in preventing bullies from posting nasty and threatening comments to their victims. Victims are bullied physically and mentally, from school to a screen in their home. Social media poses many privacy issue to young teenagers when they post user content online. Bullies may steal personal photos of victims and post them online anonymously to ruin their reputation. Moreover, information technology may have made our lives more convenient in many ways, but many of the problems it poses are often ignored, or very little is done about it. Information technology is only at the early stages of development and as we progress, we should think about potential future risks and how to solve current problems, rather than allowing them to occur.
          If something is meant to be private and you wouldn’t want many people to view it, then it probably would be best to keep it off the internet or a network so you control who really see’s it or not.


       Information technology has improved and made significant impacts on our daily lives. It is fascinating to see how more and more users are using the internet as a medium for communication and information as technology evolves rapidly. Although technology is changing our behaviors, ideas and the way we think. I believe information technology has not been effectively incorporated into higher education.

       If I were hired by Brooklyn College to use new media to improve the college, I would suggest them to use the virtual world to give a virtual tour around Brooklyn College. They can upload the virtual tours to platforms like YouTube and to make it even more accessible, I might suggest them to create a Brooklyn College application for smart phone users. These applications will allow them to find places around Brooklyn College easier.

      In addition, for the virtual tour, I would suggest to give a tour around the main buildings and the Library building. The virtual tour should also include the neighborhood around Brooklyn College and a number of restaurants or convenient drug stores.  For freshmen who came from a small high school making a transition to a big and unfamiliar college, it might take some time to adapt. The virtual tour would allow them to learn more about the surroundings of Brooklyn College and also to become more comfortable.


Below is an original picture of one of my favorite super-cars. I decided to use this photo to show an example of how new media and digital technology tools can alter a photo. I used the edit feature from the phone galery as a tool to change the original image into a sketch. I turned the original image into a sketch by changing the saturation, blend mode, Gaussian blur, and inverting the original image.

Monday, December 5, 2016

         Before the introduction of new media, old media was used as a medium to transfer information to the audiences. As technologies become more and more advance, new media fosters creativity in a way that it provides users digital technologies that enhances their ideas and creativity. Digital technology encourages users to generate content. Computers are not just a medium to process information. It is also a medium that helps in creative expression and design. Through videos, blogs, music, databases, and generated content online, users can express their creativity and imagination in many ways. Without digital technologies, many of these imagination and ideas would not come true.New Media. In today’s world, the media is living and thriving at all hours of the day. As time progresses, more and more media outlets are created with newer and fresher ideas being innovated to make simple tasks even easier. With the creation of new media, creativity is increased to higher levels. This is mainly caused by the interaction of media, new and old to create fresher ideas, or to put a new twist on an old event. This can be seen clearly in the NYTimes.com article, “Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?”. By using newer forms of media such as popular songs and music videos, artist if you may call them, are able to create mash-ups using older forms of media such as cartoon characters to replicate music videos, songs, dances and even movies that appeal to mass audiences. With this use of old and new media, ideas and thoughts from all around the globe are spread to one another, through various media outlets. This in turn, improves creativity and fosters growth and insight. According to the article, this may also lead to new platforms in different areas outside of media, such as law, policy analysis, and many other areas which may be effected by the ever-changing landscape created by New Media.


Let me start off this blog post by being astonished! To my knowledge Virtual Worlds were an idea of creativity and imagination. You know the stuff we see on TV. I was never aware that virtual worlds really do exist and are becoming such an important aspect of the world in which we live. Talk about futuristic! Virtual worlds were thought to be only used in video games but now you can use them to create social networks in 3D form and amazingly enough, these virtual worlds have made their way into the professional work environment. With this futuristic world of networking, there have been many benefits especially in the workplace. The use of virtual worlds in a professional setting has given rise to ability to engage in conferences, conduct training for system implementations, and even prototype new technologies. Additionally, due to virtual worlds being complex users in workplace meetings are able to brainstorm and think of more complex ideas due to the engaging virtual environment. This helps with creativity and more detailed ideas caused by stimulation in a different aspect that the brain has not yet experienced. Virtual worlds may seem like a drug to a first time user. Despite these great uses of virtual worlds however, virtual worlds still lack the human ability to be face to face with another individual. There is no water cooler conversations. This creates a lack of expression, vulnerability, emotion and connection when communicating. It is not as bad as being behind a computer screen, but it still has its downfalls. Another negative to virtual worlds is the fact that in virtual worlds, people can express themselves differently than what they are in real life. This can lead to differences in behavior and reactions when communicating online vs communicating in real life. With the ever so advancing technological environment that the world operates on today, it will be amazing to see and understand how virtual worlds may be used in the future. I did not even believe ideas such as virtual worlds really exist in broad aspects, and the uses of them are already far-reaching. Maybe more things will soon become virtual and help expand on the uses of what we think of virtual worlds. Only time will tell!

        How does a Twitter discussion compare to a BlackBoard Discussion? To an in-class discussion?

          Twitter is one of the most simplistic platforms groups can use when discussing about a topic. Since a tweet is limited to 140 characters, it only allows for a discussion relevant to the topic to occur. The character limit can also be a frustration when trying to have a discussion because not all relevant information one wants to post can be done under one tweet. Instead, they would have to tweet multiple times if they go over the 140 character limit. Twitter only allows for simple discussions which in my opinion is a major flaw. 
           Furthermore, a Blackboard discussion is similar to a Twitter discussion, without the character limit. Blackboard provides more technological features to help groups with collaborations. It also encourages users to research and provide reliable sources when having a discussion. A Blackboard discussion will result in users providing the most refined answers. I believe Blackboard will encourage the most educated answers. 
            Moreover, in-class discussions are the most natural in that participants will use their prior knowledge on a topic to answer. It can also be unreliable because answers are knowledge based rather than research based. In-class discussions encourages participants to speak out and voice their opinions. In-class discussions do create the most natural and engaging environment because it requires the most attention. Discussing about a controversial topic in-class vs. online will always differ. In-class discussion provides a more intimate environment while an online discussion is more of a washed down version.                              
              Afterall, these three types of discussion methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, but are great tools to communicate with each other. Regardless of which method is used, they all provide a unique method to communicate.

Social Networking

        Social networking sites are more popular than ever, and they've changed the way people use the Internet. Some of the most popular sites are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. These sites allow people to keep in touch with their friends, share links, plan events, and more. Moreover, Social networking has the propensity to make or break an individual. Corporations can use media technologies and networking strategies to further investigate their prospective employees, therefore, depending on how an individual uses said platforms, they can win or lose out on a job. If done correctly, both individuals and businesses can use social networking to promote themselves positively, share useful information, and reach people they may not have had access to otherwise. Furthermore, for many teens and even younger kids, online social networking is an important part of their lives because it lets them talk to their friends no matter where they are. 
       However, Social Networking is the newest and maybe most important – form of social interaction of the 21st century. As the century has progressed, Social networking has become a common occurrence throughout a normal time-frame of 24 hours. To many, social networking is used for casual entertainment, keeping in touch with distance relatives and friends, and as a source of news information. Lately however, another common used for Social networking is surprisingly, employment and recruiting. By learning a small deal of information from an individuals social media pages or even LinkedIn page, employers have a much easier time finding strong candidates for job opportunities. Social networking has gone from a tool initially meant for entertainment, to a strong tool that you may need to monitor day in and day out as everyone may be looking. Despite this, there is still so much one can learn from an individuals social media page. Nothing beats actually meeting an individual in person and getting a sense of personality. To continue on that note, the future of social networking seems to still be up in the air and how we browse the web to find information. How we currently browse the web is totally free, with a link to common pages once we search a certain topic which is requested. What innovators at social networking giant Facebook is trying to accomplish will make the internet more safe by linking all searches and information between you and your expansive network – and by network I don’t only mean your Facebook friends. Expansive network would mean anything from your friends, family, neighborhood you live in, school community, professional network and etc. This would then help you locate many things from restaurants, doctors, professional services all based on your network. This seems extremely interesting, but also very encompassing in the sense that your network can be dictated by many items such as your job, your ethnicity, your home location, your social class. That also seems like it can lead to other problems and concerns throughout society. 
         Today it is very difficult to find a person who does not use a social network to share their experiences through the network, and people are also related through social networks, talk, share, comment on the moments and feelings of others, approve or disapprove these experiences through “likes or shares”. Such is the importance of social networks in today’s daily life that even a birthday greeting is done through the network.One of the ways that companies use social networks today is the direct communication with consumers or potential consumers.This is one of the ways we are helping more companies today because they can adapt their products and services to the immediate needs of consumers without spending money on it.


1. Davidson, Hilda Ellis. Roles of the Northern Goddess. London: Routledge, 1998.
Retrieved from: https://owl.english.purdue.edu
          Davidson's book provides a thorough examination of the major roles filled by the numerous pagan goddesses of Northern Europe in everyday life, including their roles in hunting, agriculture, domestic arts like weaving, the household, and death. The author discusses relevant archaeological evidence, patterns of symbol and ritual, and previous research. The book includes a number of black and white photographs of relevant artifacts.
           This annotation includes only one paragraph, a summary of the book. It provides a concise description of the project and the book's project and its major features.

2. Bill Gates' book Business, The Speed of Thought and write, 1999
Retrived from: http://www.penguinreaders.com/pdf/downloads/pr/teachers-notes/9781405880282.pdf
By reading the Bill Gates book he states that digital nervous system will free the world from the old paper processes so that everyone will have the time to think about the questions and act quickly. This technology will gratify people's needs at work and at home. Bill Gates compared it to a leaving thing that will guide the people to get whatever they want, just like the human nervous system guides the human mind. This Technology information not only will provide easy access to many things that before seemed impossible but it will be at the speed of light by just clicking the mouse in your home or work computer. This technology will provide so much information that the middle man could have ever achieved. Therefore, from the birth of this technology information will came to life so many easy ways of doing business, that where unreal to be true in the past such as; 
1- Convert every paper process to a digital process,
            2- Use Digital tools to help costumers solve problems for themselves,
            3- Extend the knowledge of your workers to a higher level of thinking,
            4- Easy online study and share of the sales data,
            5- Using this technology information to make prepared teams,
            6- Using the Technology to replace the middle man into the digital delivery.

All this magnificent ways of getting things done by less than the second will make the world a different place to leave in and work in. Will make it easy to navigate and ask question. Will make it easy to solve the problems in many different, easy and faster ways that what used to be before. Bill Gates central point in what he is bringing up to his book is the speed that the things will be done when the technology will take place in the future. Furthermore, as the Microsoft CEO he already had tasted the beauty and the power of the technology and what the technology information was capable of. He knew that the technology information is the king of everything, it’s the future of communication, the future of being informed at the same time that something has happened. It’s the future of preventing things from happening. However, every arguments and states he has made in his book were a great support for his 21st projections. Furthermore, after reading the book my point of view is pro, and yes there are lots of advantages from every projections Bill Gates had made. From all this projections we do have accomplished all of those. We now are leaving into the technology information world and working based on it. We now get the news and share data and information all over the world by just clicking the mouse.

Furthermore the successful companies of the next decade will be the ones that use digital tools to reinvent the way they work. The main way for a company to survive and succeed is the use of the technology information in order to surpass its competitors.

3. Breeding evil, August 6). Economist, 2005
Retrieved from http://www.economist.com
This editorial from the Economist describes the controversy surrounding video games and the effect they have on people who use them. The author points out that skepticism of new media have gone back to the time of the ancient Greeks, so this controversy surrounding video games is nothing new. The article also points out that most critics of gaming are people over 40 and it is an issue of generations not understanding one another, rather than of the games themselves. As the youth of today grow older, the controversy will die out, according to the author. The author of this article stresses the age factor over violence as the real reason for opposition to video games and stresses the good gaming has done in most areas of human life. This article is distinctive in exploring the controversy surrounding video games from a generational standpoint and is written for a general audience.
The article points out that most critics of gaming are people over 40 and it is an issue of age not of the games themselves. While the author briefly mentions studies done around the issue of violence and gaming, he does not go into enough depth for the reader to truly know the range of studies that have actually been done in this area. The author of this article stresses the age factor over violence as the real reason for opposition to video games and stresses the good gaming has done in most areas of human life.

Davidson, Hilda Ellis. Roles of the Northern Goddess. London: Routledge, 1998.
Retrieved from: https://owl.english.purdue.edu

Bill Gates' book Business, The Speed of Thought and write, 1999
Retrived from: http://www.penguinreaders.com/pdf/downloads/pr/teachers-notes/9781405880282.pdf

Breeding evil, August 6). Economist, 2005
Retrieved from http://www.economist.com

Social Network Sites

           With the rise of social media, the gates have been breached. Anyone with a computer or smartphone and “followers” or “friends” on a social network can easily spread his ideas both good and bad, worthwhile and vapid to an audience of thousands. Moreover, there are plenty if social media and networking sites and apps that can get your idea even in the moon as my grandfather is saying. First one is the Facebook, Twitterm, Instagram, Linkedin and many more. Furthermore, Facebook is used by almost every age, including my parents. It's helping them and the millions around the world connect with relatives and friends that they have not connected and heard from in a long time. For many different circumstances such as being in another state, or country, or they have just lost the connection. Facebook is a platform where people share almost  everything about their daily lives. It’s someone's album or the journal for everyone to see. 

        Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. 4 different social networking sites each with there own unique flavor, objective, and execution. Despite this, each networking site offers a shared goal to the experience of its users – Interact with others sharing information in different forms such as images, videos, news articles, job postings, polls, status updates, tweets and re-tweets. Twitter, seemed like the best social networking site for up-to-date information and news. It comes at you “live” with other users tweeting information as it happens. Facebook is a little more playful, interactive and entertaining. Status updates, helps you keep tab on the whats-what of your social circles. Entertainment is plastered throughout your newsfeed, coming across all types of web stories that are trending and popular between your friends and family. Instagram is a picture sharing social network. What an interesting way to execute the idea of a social network. A picture does speak a thousand words truly holds firm when using Instagram. Information, interests, locations, the infamous foodie pictures all help expand users knowledge of events, places, and artistic creations. LinkedIn, the most business savvy of them all. Professionals come here from all over, creating a job network full of opportunities and information. Very useful, especially for the up and coming entry-level, ex-collegiate individual. Each network has its own way to do the same thing – share ideas with those who we know and get to know. Social Networking at its best.

      However, Social networking has become a modern day news, entertainment, and peer-interacting platform in society. The Millennial generation primarily, is one of the highest percentage of social media users all over the world. Social network content such as facebook, twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn etc. all allow for sharing of information, pictures, videos, job listings, and more. There are a great amount of benefits in using social networks because it allows people from all over to the world to stay connected with family, friends, and co-workers for professional or intimate purposes. 

Blog v Wiki

      Wikis can be imagined as a repository of easily editable website pages. Each wiki can have a specific purpose and a bunch of wiki pages that are maintained by the users of that Wiki. Wiki pages typically have comments that can be used for collaborating around that page/topic. Wikis can be used for a variety of purposes like documentation, knowledge management or just a team repository of information.    
       Students and everyone else who want to get their learning opportunities and communicate with others with the ability of erasing the words without sanding it over again, most are using the wikis to understand and use the blog to explore what they learn. For the blog and wiki, they both similar as publish to the website, collaborate with a group, post their opinion and comment other people. For the different of blog and wiki, wiki is a more collaborative online by many members who can in that kind of the wiki, such as our course New Media, students and the professor can cooperate as a group to share their Group project, assignments and editing as a group ideas. 
      Blogs, are online journals maintained by a person or a team with regular updates . They are typically meant for general consumption and are arranged in a chronological manner with the most recent blog posts on the top. Blog posts can also have the provision for readers to leave comments. Blogs are usually more informal and chatty.

         However, for the blog, most are the individual projects under a one people’s reflection then share for their in order to received comment to improve or correct their thinking.  For the importance of convergence in today’s networked world, we can see that how comment nowadays people are using the interment to get the information right away and share their opinion though different media website. According to the article “How to use wikis for Business said that “Wikis are designed to facilitate the exchange of the information within and between teams.” The idea exchange not like before just face to face to record or write down, the variety ways in the internet can solve the time and area gap in order to communicate with other. How can blogs be used for collaboration and can you think a new use for a wiki that has not been done yet?

       The original blogger can have external collaboration base on the comment, the response from the audience is the first attracted groups, future more, by the deeper research from the blogger, the theme and the idea will be fixed then published. That is the directly way about collaboration by other who are educating in the area we expertise.   
Convert every paper process to a digital process

According to Bill Gates statements and his 21st projections that mightily are supporting everything for us, and mightily making everything easy to navigate, Bill Gates is stating that every paper process will be converted to a digital process. In 1980 when everything that was made and build was all about the quality, and in 1990 was all about redesigning everything that was made by 80s. The 2000s will be all about speed. The speed of technology information. About how quickly people will benefit and businesses will be conceived. How quickly the information will spread and change the lives of people and their expectation of business.

Moreover, by converting every paper process into a digital process will open the door to every person, to every costumer and every company to very useful information’s. It will change the way of proceeding things, will change the way of doing business. Everything will be easy and no need of keeping so many paper records and all other hard copies. Converting every hard paper work to a digital process will make the business grow far faster. Converting to digital process will also save the company lots of money and time. The internet will be the main reason of any business to share their stuff. To show their policy and their agreements of doing business and advertising their stuff.
           Afterall, Bill Gates point of bringing this project to his book is that the new digital infrastructure will be developed. The infrastructure of keeping records in the digital way. The infrastructure of how businesses and company will share the information about the stuff they offering to the costumers. The infrastructure of internet that will allow companies to communicate with their own stores all over the country and keep track of data and transactions. Will make it easy to look for any item the company possesses, it will make it easy to keep track of any expenses and workers payrolls. However, I’m very impressed with the way how everything is organized into a digitalized way. Yes this is a big pro and a huge advantage of getting things done in an easy and far faster way than using all those paper work. It doesn’t take any space at your desk, room or office. At this time we have 100% achieved the digitalized way of spreading the information.

How the media has affected our lives.
According to Noam Chomsky, “What lies behind us and before us are very small matters compare to what lies right to the face.” The issue of the media influence on society’s cultural structure has frequently been debated. The impact on the audience by the media influences the interpretations of social order. Also, the media goes hand in hand with American politics. The information provided by the media is controlled by business cooperates and their economic interest that is shared by political elites. The media is responsible for creating different classes with respect to appearance, color, economic status, religion, and with the help of politics, advertisement because of the media’s powerful influence on public perception, which directly or indirectly affects the consciousness of a human being. The media can be very biased about a story, advertisements, coverage on different social issues. The media  talk about thinks which will make a story interesting, outrageous and as incredible as possible just to make profit out of it. 
I had an research project on IHeartRadio. What is about and How can i and everyone else benefit from it.
As we all know the iHeart Radio is the top radio program, that we listening to, which gives us lots of station to choose and find what we want to listen. It’s the main program used in the cars for the radio stations.Well were else can you hear about stuff you need or may need.Where else can u hear about the best deals, on the stores and internets,Where else can you hear about something that has recently happened or its going to happen.Beside the TV.So the Radio is the fastest way you can learn about things. Because many people have no time to watch TV .Now businesses has come to the radio to do commercials for their stuff. Its cheaper then the TV commercials becauseIt doesn’t have all the videos and imagines.

My Blog List