Below is an original picture of one of my favorite super-cars. I decided to use this photo to show an example of how new media and digital technology tools can alter a photo. I used the edit feature from the phone galery as a tool to change the original image into a sketch. I turned the original image into a sketch by changing the saturation, blend mode, Gaussian blur, and inverting the original image.
My Blog List
Our Class Wiki – So Far
So far I have added more info to the future of video games page, and added
a genre to the music page. I plan on adding more photos to those pages and
a few...
8 years ago
Blog v Wiki
Compare and Contrast blog and wiki.
Blog vs Wiki
As the students who want to get their learning opportunities, most are
using the wikis to understand and...
8 years ago
Twitter is a social networking platform that allows users to post short
posts online, coined by the site as tweets. The environment of Twitter is
rapid pac...
8 years ago
Social Net'g
Create a new post on your blog with the above title. In your post, answer
the following questions.
What are some ways (corporate and otherwise) that these ...
8 years ago
In an earlier blog where I talked about Facebook, I also talked about how
you have literally no privacy the moment you post something on the
internet. The ...
8 years ago
Blog about Twitter
Twitter is way different than a Blackboard discussion. On twitter it’s way
quicker and easier to answer to someone. But the fact that you are limited
in yo...
8 years ago
Clash of Civilizations Let me begin my micro-report with the words of the
Chairman of the United Nations. In January of 2016 at the UN General
Assembly, Ban Ki-moon said that the number of illiterate people in the
world is enormous, according to Reuters, “More than 750 million adults in
our world are illiterate – and two-thirds of them are women. Some 250
million primary school age children do not have a grasp of basic literacy
skills while 124 million children and adolescents are out of school. All of
these people, whatever their age, deserve the chance to learn to read. When
we give them that opportunity, we will create more productive, stable and
secure societies for all. I call for Governments and partners, including in
the private sector, to join forces for universal literacy as an essential
component of the future we want.” I believe that these words largely
explain the findings that Mr. Samuel P. Huntington makes in his work Clash
of Civilizations. Traditionally, in those moments when people cannot find
the right answers, they tend to turn to God. Deep poverty and illiteracy
are usually a fertile soil for religious fanaticism. I have been long
interested in this issue and having closely studied Clash of Civilizations,
I started to think that the main conflict between the West and the East
lies beyond political, economic or cultural disagreements. The main issue
that separates two worlds is religion. Religion is an excellent tool in the
hands of the mankind. Though religion has accelerated countless
breakthroughs throughout human history, it also possesses a dark side in
terms of its influence on people all over world. I support Mr. Samuel P.
Huntington position as for why civilizations clash, “Differences among
civilizations are too basic in that civilizations are differentiated from
each other by history, language, culture, tradition, and, most important,
religion. These fundamental differences are the product of centuries, so
they will not soon disappear,” and “Due to the economic modernization and
social change, people are separated from longstanding local identities.
Instead, religion has replaced this gap, which provides a basis for
identity and commitment that transcends national boundaries and unites
civilizations.” Faith and religion are very different in nature, and the
degree of personal awareness of this concept varies greatly. Religion was
at the origin of the culture of various regions and nationalities on Earth,
and religion and culture are very closely related. Therefore, I believe
that on the cultural conflict is the next in terms of importance after the
religious one. The cultural conflict between Western and Eastern cultures
is nowhere near its resolution as of now. In anticipation of your question
“how does this relate to our class and to what we are studying?” I will say
that the answer is simple. In any confrontation of interests, particularly
on the geopolitical level, the media has always played an imperative role.
It is no wonder the media is often called the Fourth Estate – the
expression defines the media’s influence in the society. Despite the fact
that media does not have any real legal power, it is a powerful mechanism
for manipulating large masses of people. Therefore, the media plays a
crucial role in the opposition of the Western and Eastern cultures.
8 years ago
Creativity and New Media
I am a big fan of being able to create collages of videos I take on my
GoPro and then posting it on facebook or YouTube for my friends and family
to see. I...
8 years ago
P2P File Sharing
File sharing is making digital media such as music, movies and TV shows
available to others on the Internet. P2P file sharing is peer-to-peer
8 years ago
The Next New Thing
In my opinion, the next new generation of New Media (The Next New Thing)
will work around virtual reality because virtual reality let us explore
different ...
8 years ago
Advice to the College
What are some suggestions you have for using new media to improve
Brooklyn College? In order to effectively use new media to improve Brooklyn
College, one ...
8 years ago
Wiki So Far
I have created a new page for the Baruch New Media website. The new page is
New Media and Religion. It is meant to be a wiki that discusses the impact
new ...
8 years ago
Creativity and New Media
I have linked a video I made of my sneaker collection here. The video shows
how I fostered creativity because … More
8 years ago
When it comes to New media, privacy and confidentiality should be on high
alert. The internet is something which has been created to invite family,
7 years ago
Creativity And New Media
Two years ago, I was beginning my first year in a Business School in Paris.
With a group of friends, we decided to run for the students office. Its
role is...
8 years ago
Social Net’g
In this article we read that Facebook was going to introduce a new thing
that help people search for things. …
Continue reading →
8 years ago
The Next New Thing
A new type of “new media” would be allowing to expand on the google
glasses. Although the google glasses can help use GPS and answer general
questions, we ...
8 years ago
P2P File Sharing
What is file sharing ? File sharing is a file transfer technique consisting
in distributing or giving remote access to digital data via a computer
8 years ago
Our Class Wiki-So Far
So far I haven’t officially uploaded any content to the class wiki. BUT, I
have been writing a list of things I plan to contribute and researching
what inf...
8 years ago
Creativity and New Media
I started my own small business about a year ago and since then I have
realized how creative and imaginative I have to be with creating marketing
tools, ...
8 years ago
P2P file sharing is a way of sharing files through peers on the same
network. For example, music, movies, pictures, and documents can all be
shared via thi...
8 years ago
Privacy & Confidentiality
What lives on the internet, lives forever. This is a scary thought. My
generation is so open with their daily live on social media that it makes
me think t...
8 years ago
Privacy & Confidentiality
Through New Media we have social media, the ultimate source of sharing and
connecting with other people whether they are strangers or friends. As more
8 years ago
The Next New Thing
A “new media” that I would find helpful is an app that would notify you
about when books are coming out in the near future or author posts news
about the...
8 years ago
Our Class Wiki - So Far
I plan to contribute to our wiki by commenting and viewing my fellow
classmate's blogs. My goal is to better understand how to adapt to new
8 years ago
Our Class Wiki - So Far
Unfortunately, I have yet to contribute to the class wiki. However, I am
looking forward to adding to it and finding very useful information for
college s...
8 years ago
Wiki So Far
The aim of today’s blog post is to discuss what I have been doing to
contribute to the class wiki. I have create a page “Blogging” in which I
describe the ...
8 years ago
Our Class Wiki - So Far
I don’t have contributed to the class wiki yet. I am very interesting
in travelling, I am doing some research on travelling for college student
in low...
8 years ago
Our Class Wiki - So Far
So currently i'm working on the crowdfunding Wiki page for the class. At
first I did not know what to but then the crowdfunding wiki stuck out for
8 years ago
P2P File Sharing
What is file sharing?
File sharing is when you share files from one computer to another.
Software, media, or other types of computer programs.
What is P2P...
8 years ago
P2P File Sharing
1. File sharing is the act of sharing a file (i.e. music, text, or video)
with another person. Normaly I can take a mp3 file (music) and share it
with you ...
8 years ago
The Next New Thing
A new media that doesn’t currently exist is a virtual fitting room. Online
shopping is rapidly gaining popularity. A person can shop for anything from
8 years ago
Our Class Wiki - So Far
I haven't started to do the Wiki Project. So far, I have thought about
creating a page under the topic of food, because I am interested in
enjoying delicio...
8 years ago
The Next New Thing
A new type of media that doesn't exist could be something like holograms
and aritificial intelligence. An example could be the artificial
intelligence can ...
8 years ago
Virginia Ferguson – Web Media Research Topic
Social Networking: A purposeful loss of privacy For my research project I
would like to explore the issue of people who forgo not only their own
privacy, b...
8 years ago
wiki so far
To contribute to the wiki I have edited and added in the Religion topic . I
briefly spoke about the 3 most widely known and practiced religions. They
are C...
8 years ago
New Next
If I had the opportunity to create a new form of media, it would have to be
an interactive radio for children. What this radio would be able to do is
8 years ago
P2P File Sharing
File sharing refers to the practice of sharing access to digital
information or content. These files include documents, videos, images,
8 years ago
Social Networking Sites
As someone who uses social media minimally, every sites seems similar to
me. While the "purpose" of each of them differs slightly, the function of
them rem...
8 years ago
Wiki So Far
I am currently editing the category of music to our class wiki. I am
currently focused on the genre section and editing the genres of Soca. I
have edite...
8 years ago
P2P File Sharing
P2P Sharing is the process of downloading a file while simultaneously
uploading portions of the file to other users. The most simple way of
explaining it i...
8 years ago
Creativity and New Media
Description: The secret to romance. This app helps you create the perfect
date. With filters and age appropriate ideas, you can't go wrong.
Insert the s...
8 years ago
P2P File Sharing
*What is file sharing?*
The ability to transfer files from one computer to another via the Internet
*What is P2P file sharing?*
P2P file sharing allows use...
8 years ago
Our Class Wiki – So Far
Though I had not yet added personal work or features to the wiki, I have
read through many of the articles and areas already established. I have
been resea...
8 years ago
New media vs old media? The answer in black and white
Which is a better buy: old media or new media? Some recent sales of
established newspapers and freshly minted online rags offer a unique look
into a debate...
8 years ago
Our Class Wiki - So Far
I have not yet contributed to our class wiki so far. I am planning to do
contribution about culture. I come from China and have been in New York for
five ...
8 years ago
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